What is Parent Life?



Parent Life is a website created by Life Teen where you will find incredible content to help you through the very challenging and blessed years of raising teenagers. This domain is an avenue of encouragement and inspiration to all parents of teens at subscribing Life Teen and Edge parishes. They don’t claim to have all the answers, but can promise that as a parent, you will find the support, helpful tips, and encouragement you need as you journey with your children through their teenage years. Life Teen hopes to serve you by giving you access to ideas, tips, and information on a variety of topics that will bless you, your marriage, and your family. Enjoy!


In this blog post, author Jessamyn Anderson discusses three ways to engage with modern culture. As Christians, we are often encouraged to live in the world but not of the world. But with a culture inundated with some negative, less-than-desirable me…

In this blog post, author Jessamyn Anderson discusses three ways to engage with modern culture. As Christians, we are often encouraged to live in the world but not of the world. But with a culture inundated with some negative, less-than-desirable media, it can feel discouraging to dig through and find the positive things worth engaging with. Be sure to check this blog post out as well as all of the other free content and series found on the parent life website!

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